Savannah Real Estate Appraisal and Consulting, LLC

Fee Schedule
Most appraisals in the Chatham and Bryan Counties are $400 and up. Typical appraisals in Effingham and Liberty Counties are $425 and up. Certain properties like waterfront and historic homes are more complex in nature and therefore are a little more. It's best to call and discuss the properties in detail to get an accurate fee quote. Please call me at 912-704-4464 or email at and I'll be happy to help you.
Lenders and AMCs
We offer a full line of appraisal services including FHA, SRIP, etc.
Report Type and Price
1004 (full)- Complete * $400 and up
1025 Duplex (includes OI and Rentals)-$500
1073 (condominium) Complete- *$400 and up
Comparable Rent Schedule(rentals)- $75
Consultation Services/Market Research-$100 per hour
Court Testimony/Legal Service-$250 per hour
* Owner occupied homes up to 6,000 square feet in main living space (GLA). Additional fees may apply due to the complexity of the assignment. However, the fees charged are never dependent on the final opinion of value of the property being appraised.
Full reports always include the following photos: street scene, subject front, subject rear, several interior and the front of all comps used in the report. Additional photos will be included for complex, high value or FHA properties.